Burnout has some common signs. It’s possible to experience some of these signs during periods of stress without feeling burnt out. However, if you’re noticing these signs often and feeling emotionally overloaded, you may be experiencing burnout. If this is interfering with your everyday life, it’s important to seek help.


Take the Sydney Burnout Measure self-test here to give you an understanding of the likelihood that you might have burnout.

  • Burnout encompasses a wide range of symptoms, including low energy, motivation or mood; feeling isolated or trapped; feeling cynical or disengaged from work; decreased life satisfaction; procrastination; irritability; feeling exhausted or drained; disrupted sleep; and physical responses like headaches and body pain.

    You don’t need to exhibit all of these symptoms to be experiencing burnout. Conversely, if you’re exhibiting some of these symptoms, it doesn’t mean you’re necessarily experiencing burnout. Burnout usually occurs when you experience some/all of these symptoms in combination with feeling emotionally overloaded.

  • Symptoms of burnout include physical exhaustion, poor judgment, cynicism, guilt, feelings of ineffectiveness, and a sense of disconnection with co-workers or patients.

  • Recent research has found that around 1 in 4 dental practitioners reported symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of burnout.

  • The Black Dog Institute Navigating Burnout module is a great place to start to learn more about burnout.

    It has been developed specifically for health professionals to reduce the impact of burnout in a way that is sensitive to the unique challenges they face.

    Available 24/7, through the online program health professionals can access step-by-step guides and advice from peers who have lived through burnout. It includes practical, evidence-based strategies and activities based on the latest cognitive behavioural therapies, to help prevent and minimise the impact of burnout on health professionals.

Strategies to manage burnout.

  • Connecting with others

    Talking about your feelings can also help you alleviate the strong emotions associated with burnout, so consider confiding in a trusted colleague, friend or family member.

  • Managing your time

    Planning important tasks ahead of time can provide structure in your day-to-day life and prevent you from overextending yourself. Stick to working on these tasks only during the periods you’ve allocated to complete them and use any personal time to pursue activities that you enjoy.

  • Tackling unrealistic expectations

    The dilemma for perfectionists is that they have a tendency to set the bar so high that it creates unrealistic expectations. When expectation and reality clash, that causes us distress.

  • Setting boundaries

    Trying to be all things to all people can leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Set some boundaries by talking to colleagues, friends and family members about what you can do on your own and what help you might need help with. As well as helping you manage your workload, this process can help the people around you understand your limits.

  • Planning self-care

    Self-care are the things we deliberately choose to engage in on a regular basis to maintain and enhance our health and wellbeing, such as going for a walk or socialising with friends. It is important to help give your body and mind time to rest, reset, and rejuvenate

  • Seeking professional help

    A mental health professional can help you to understand and manage your feelings of burnout.