Finding balance between work and private life is a challenge for most people as the demands of work eat into more of our personal life. Work-life balance is about more than having outside interests. It’s about making sure that your time, energy and resources are spread across your work and life, not just adding more life activities on top of already overburdened work hours.
There are some keys to work-life balance:
Recognise that there is an imbalance between work and life
Prioritise what is important to you. Ask yourself: What am I willing to sacrifice, and for how long? If I have been prioritising work over family, why do I feel that it is important? Is it really necessary? Is it really inevitable? Do I have any regrets about the time I allocate to my life? What will I regret if I continue along my current path?
Most importantly, prioritise your health. If your work and life is out of balance, then the inevitable outcome is that your health will suffer.
Make time for yourself and your loved ones. Spend more time with family and friends.
Play the long game. No matter how important some aspect of work seems to you now, it’s important to put into perspective that you will likely be in the workforce for 40 years (or more). Is whatever you are doing now so important that it can’t wait until tomorrow? Or next week? Or next year? Life is a marathon, not a sprint.
Set boundaries at work, and make your expectations clear. It’s not a sign of weakness to work fewer hours. Nor is it a badge of honour to always be the last one at work.
Think about the fundamentals of wellbeing – sleep, exercise and healthy eating.
“No-one at the end of their life ever wishes that they had spent more time at work. So don’t.”