Staying active regularly is essential for good physical and mental health and wellbeing. This is true no matter how young or old you are. But the amount of activity varies, depending on your age.

To help Australians understand how much activity they need, the Australian Government’s Department of Health has developed physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines for each age group and for pregnancy. Being active helps you stay physically and mentally healthy – the more active you are, the more you benefit. Being active regularly can also reduce the risk of, or help manage, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease; maintain or improve blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels; reduce the risk of some cancers; prevent unhealthy weight gain and help with weight loss; maintain strong muscles and bones; create opportunities for socialising and meeting new people; and help develop and maintain physical and mental wellbeing.

Adults should be active most days, preferably every day. Each week, try to do either:

  • 2.5 to 5 hours of moderate intensity physical activity – such as a brisk walk, golf, mowing the lawn or swimming

  • 1.25 to 2.5 hours of vigorous intensity physical activity – such as jogging, aerobics, fast cycling, soccer or netball

  • an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous activities.