Feeling down or sad is a normal response to life events, and sometimes we just feel blue for no reason. Usually our sadness or depressed feelings subside after a short period of time.

If you are having intense, sad or depressed feelings for longer than two weeks, and they start to affect the way you’re living life, it’s important to seek help.


Take this free online depression self test to give you an understanding of the likelihood that you might have symptoms consistent with depression.

  • Depression is a drop in self-esteem or self-worth usually accompanied by feelings of self-criticism.

    The extent of the drop in self-esteem usually indicates the severity of the depressed mood.

    A depressed mood is a normal experience, that usually spontaneously lifts after a brief period.

  • Feeling bad about yourself

    Changes in sleep patterns

    Changes in appetite

    Feeling overwhelmed

    Emotions varying throughout the day

    Inability to enjoy life

    Lowered pain threshold

    Impaired concentration or memory

    Low motivation


  • 1 in 16 people in Australia are affected by depression every year.

    Recent research has found that 1 in 10 dental practitioners have reported a current diagnosis of depression, and one in four dentists, one-third of oral health therapists and nearly half of dental prosthetists reported ever having a diagnosis of depression.

    Up to 22.5% reported taking some time off work because of their depression.

  • Find out more about depression here.