Mindfulness is good for your health, happiness and wellbeing. Through mindfulness we can enhance our experience of the present. Research shows mindfulness can even have a positive effect on our brain function.


Mindfulness is a type of mediation that some people may find useful as a way to relax and help to reduce that stress by directing attention away from negative thinking and helping to engage more positively with the world around you. Mindfulness can help to reduce anxiety, improve wellbeing and energy levels, assist with insomnia, and improve resilience.

The key to practising mindfulness is to focus on the moment, and being aware of what you're sensing and feeling without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress. Mindfulness doesn’t need to be time consuming or onerous. It can be practised anywhere at any time. Think about how you might be able to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine.

Paying attention; on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.

Jon Kabat Zinn